Award Categories
Private Developer of the Year
This award will focus not only on the design and quality of the properties built, but also on all aspects of the developers performance.
Affordable Housing Provider of the Year
This award will go to an organisation that has shown innovation in the way they design, build and market their properties as well as offering a variety of services which can help first time buyers on to the property ladder.
Best Small Development
This award will be looking for small developments that have used the best design and quality to create desirable, affordable and inspiring environments in which people wish to set up their first home. This award is for schemes fewer than 30 homes.
Best Large Development
This award is for developments of more than 80 homes that have used the best design and quality to create an affordable, desirable and inspirational environment and that has provided additional facilities to benefit the local community and surrounding neighbourhoods. These homes are on large developments in a mixed-tenure environment or stand-alone developments.
Best First Time Buyer Family Home
This award is for a family starter home which is affordable for a first time buyer. It should offer a comfortable environment, at a realistic price which is ideal for family living.
Best First Time Buyer Apartment
This award is for an apartment suitable for a first time buyer which is affordable and also offers excellent design fair inside and out.
Best Law Firm for Conveyancing
This award celebrates law firms with outstanding conveyancing packages for first time buyers.
Best Partnership
This exciting new award category celebrates a collaboration of two or more companies who have worked together to deliver both quality and affordable homes for first time buyers. It Will highlight the best practice of partnership working within the housing sector and champions the ethos of working together to deliver more.
Best Urban Regeneration Project
This award is for the best development within a neighbourhood regeneration scheme that can demonstrate the benefit it has brought to the area.
Most Innovative Marketing Campaign
This award will be given to the most innovative marketing campaign that has been carried out using all forms of media. Enabling first time buyers to find affordable housing and have the most up-to-date and relevant information about government schemes and mortgage deals.
Best Age-Exclusive Housing
Many older buyers are increasingly looking to move into their first age-exclusive home. This new category recognises the need for quality homes and environments for older buyers who are 55 plus.
Best Show Home
This award goes to the company with the best show home allowing the buyer to see the property to its maximum potential, giving them a realistic insight into their new home.
Best Supplier to the FTB Market
This award goes to a service, company or agency that supports the first time buyer industry. This could be a product or service that helps to support and promote the message of homeownership.
Best New Development in the South
This award is for the best development of any size in the South of England (for the purposes of category – below Birmingham). A highly competitive marketplace where the construction of new homes is increasing, this award recognises an exceptional range of new homes that stands out for the crowd whilst remaining accessible for first time buyers.
Best New Development in the North
This award if for the best development of any size in the North of England (for the purposes of this category – Birmingham and above). An area of the country where housebuilding is increasing and offers a highly competitive marketplace, this award recognises the exceptional range of new homes that stands out from the crowd whilst remaining accessible to first time buyers.
Best Off-Plan Development for FTBs
This award will be looking to recognise a development that has not yet been built/completed but offers great potential to first time buyers.
Best Use of a Government Scheme
Homebuying schemes are extremely valuable to first time buyers. This new award category recognises how a scheme such as Shared Ownership or Help to Buy has been maximised, helping first time buyers take their first step on the housing ladder.
Judges Special Award for Outstanding Contribution to the First Time Buyer Market (Free to enter)
This award will recognise the outstanding contribution made by one individual to the first time buyer market. This award will celebrate the work of an individual who through their innovative approach to the market has helped first time buyers overcome the usual challenges face in the sector.
This award will be judged by judges only.
For more information of each of the categories, including specific criteria the judges will be looking at, please download an ENTRY PACK by clicking: FTB-Awards-Entry-Pack-2020